Final circular with practical information.
How to get to Třeboň (Czech Republic)?
Address of the organizing Institute: Institute of Botany CAS, Dukelská 135, 37901 Třeboň, Czech Republic, GPS coordinates: 49.0050719N, 14.7738050E (
Address of the venue: Beseda Conference centrum, Masarykovo náměstí 2, 37901 Třeboň, Czech Republic, GPS coordinates: 49.0033711N, 14.7720211E (
By plane:
It is best to fly to Prague (PRG). From the airport, the most convenient is to take a shuttle bus (AE) to the Main train station (Hlavní nádraží) for 60 CZK (paid at the driver) every half an hour.
By train:
Czech trains and timetables can be found at IDOS. The travel takes about 2 hours and a half. The station
Třeboň-lázně is closer to the city.
By bus:
We recommend the train to get to Třeboň.
By car: