Ph.D. course on clonal plants, Třeboň, 3 August 2015
Begins at 9:00 at the Institute of Botany CAS, lecture room, finishes around 17:00.
Three blocks of ca. 2 – 2.5 hours, each led by one person
Each block will consist of three parts:
- a short introduction to the topic by the block leader
- reading and discussion of one or two papers illustrating the key issues (participants will be given the papers in advance)
- hands-on analysis of data (primarily those provided by the block leader) on the topic. Discussion of issues in the data preparation and analysis. For the Jitka's topic, this will be replaced by a short walk in the field with identification of clonal growth patterns in a number of plant species.
(details may differ among individual blocks)
Roberto Salguero Gómez: Analyzing and modelling population dynamics of (clonal) plants
Jitka Klimešová: Comparative approaches to study clonal plant organs
Francesco de Bello: Clonal plant traits within and among communities: data analyses and interpretation of patterns
Venue: The course will take place at the Institute of Botany at Třeboň
Requirements: The participants need to be familiar with R at a basic user level.