Field excursion, August 7th, 2015
The main aim is to visit the oldest nature reserve in the country named Žofín. The nature reserve was established in 1838 by an enlightened member of the Buquoy noble family with the purpose to preserve natural species composition and structure of the untouched beech-fir-spruce forest in the Novohradské hory Hills. Despite some later disturbances in parts, the core of the nature reserve represents one of the best examples of mountain forests in the country.
On the way, we make a short stop on the dam of the largest fishpond in the country (Rožmberk, ca. 500 ha) built in the 2nd half of 1500ʼ. It well represents a typical feature of the Třeboň Basin, a network of fishponds, artificial canals, natural watercourses, and adjacent wetlands. Another short stop we make in the floodplain of the Stropnice River, in a part where the small river was canalized in the late 1980’ and in 2014 restored. The site represents one of the best river restoration projects in this country.
For the lunch we stop in the historical town Nové Hrady which was restored after the collapse of the totalitarian communist regime in 1989. Plant species, vegetation types and a broader landscape context including history of the area will be demonstrated and commented on the way.

Authors of the photographs Tomáš Koubek and Vojtěch Zeisek